Sunday, November 17, 2013

My favourite piece of technology

        My favorite piece of technology in this moment is the music player (Mp3) because music and audio books, and in times like these is appreciated.
¿Why do you like? Because one I can listen so much music and many styles, in that I appreciate living in time Mp3 because if lived in the 90´s would have to walk to everywhere with my tapes, therefore, in this sense technology this device is essential and the best in my life in general. What catches my attention and I like, is the transformation that ¿had-have?, these devices before they cell phone themselves could listen to music or radio, mp3 so happened to be almost like a musical revolution portability. Also what I like is the sound quality you deliver this technological piece and also because it is much more personal than walking around with or tablet or an ultra technological cell phone. Finally, the mp3 has a low cost that piece technology like you? And why?


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